on March 5, 2012
at 12:01 am
I don’t know if I even like this one or not. Here it is anyway!
I’ve signed up with Tumblr, where I’ll be linking all further comic updates as well. Just another way to follow/share the comic if you’re interested!
You may notice some little buttons at the bottom left of the page (under the tags). I’ve signed up with a few comic listing sites, so if you have a minute, please give me a quick vote/rating. Thanks! 😀
Also! Every comic update until I run out, I’m posting an early, lousy Jesus comic of mine up as an incentive for TopWebComics votes! These were done in 2002/2003 as a sort of proto-“Hereafter”, and are a fun/embarrassing look back at this comic’s humble origins. So check that out maybe!?
Few heads shy, I’m afraid. (But you can count on him showing up eventually.)
the dog could be drawn a bit better.
Yeah, agreed. That’s why I’m not super happy with this one. It was a bit rushed, to be honest. Oh well – something to improve on for next time.
Channeling Sprocket from Fraggle Rock? Some grey in the fur and it’s a dead-on rendition of him!
It wasn’t intentional, but now that you mention it, it’s pretty damn close!
(Maybe it was a subconscious?)
As long as Jim Henson doesn’t come looking for him you still have plausible deniability there 😀
At least it is not Fenrir.
Somehow I thought he would be bigger.
hey it’s Nodorl Q Dog!
you either get it or you don’t
Ok, what is Nodori Q Dog in reference too? Share the joke, man.
Reversed its God Q Lordon. I don’t get what the Q means, unless its a Star Trek reference.
no though that’s clever lower case q is a bacwards P
as in Lordon “P” God
Clever. God backwards is dog. I like it.