The Hangover
on November 7, 2011
at 9:15 pm
Chapter: Book 1: Out of Paradise
Characters: Lordon R. God, The Creature
Location: Earth-999, Lordon's House
I know I said I’d post this tomorrow, but it’s done now and I felt bad about missing my deadline, so here it is now!
Shameless Plug: If you want to, please check out (and like) the Welcome to Hereafter page on Facebook!
and this explains the platypus
Bwa ha ha ha ha. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at your comic. Well done.
best stuff ever!
Your platypus has evolved! Now it looks more like Cthulhu than ever before!!
Friends don’t let friends drink and create abominations against nature.
Who was the designated deity in this? They should be ashamed. -shakes head-
Can it be called an abomination against nature if it was God that created the creature. If that was the case Humans are the biggest abomination of all.
Oh my goodness… I haven’t laughed so hard in a year… Pure gold…
Wow, thanks so much! Glad you liked it.