on January 5, 2012
at 12:01 am
Just giving the people what they want: sweaty, naked Jesus.
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lol .. she’s so excitable.
are you ever gonna mention mary in this series.
considering she’s jesus’s mom.
it’ll be hilarious.
Oh, you’d better believe that’s coming.
Too damn many Mary’s in Jesus’ life … Mother Mary, Mary Magdalena and Mary of Bethany .. just of the top of my head.
I find Magdalena interesting … she was basically a cougar with money that enabled Jesus to do his thing. I wonder what she got in return ?
also i like how her blanket maintains the same position even though she’s not holding it.
There’s actually a good reason for this, and it’s keeping things PG-13.
(Or magic sheets, if you prefer. Sure, that’s it. Magic sheets.)
i get it.
Ha, sorry if that came across as snarky – not intended that way, I was just running with it.
nonononono its ok dude
Athena knows how to have fun!