In Treatment Feb02 by Bry on February 2, 2012 at 12:01 am Chapter: Book 1: Out of ParadiseCharacters: Beiwe, Ra Ra’s… just not doing too well these days. Shameless Plug: Please give “WTH” a vote at TopWebComics! 😀 Related Comics ¬ Conference Bringer of Light Lordon at the Temple Ra-pology
Cue up Rammstein ‘Sonne’
At least he’s still considered part of his own religion.
Not all were that lucky, many old gods ended up being demonized by the ibrahimic religions.
Others “luckier” ones were annointet as “saints” …
And still others were and continue to be demonized by the christian church. Pick any of the pagan diety of your choice.
Love the comic!