Labours Lost III
on February 6, 2012
at 12:01 am
I got a piece of fan art from my friend Neil Kapit the other day, likely taking place after “My Dinner with Odin – Epilogue”. Neil makes a webcomic called Ruby Nation – check it out! 😀

(To those who don’t catch the reference, it’s a take on a ’60s Jack Kirby “Thor” panel – clever!)
And finally, I have a special incentive for TopWebComics votes in the form of… well, a pretty terrible old Jesus comic from 2002. If you read the About Page, I mention a comic called “Fun with Blasphemy” I made nearly ten years ago – a proto-Hereafter of sorts. And now I’m sharing them! So give WTH a vote on TopWebComics and get an embarrassing look at my humble beginnings! 😉
Thor’s costume at Halloween! (I get it now :D)
I thought it was more a joke on euphemisms.
Polishing thors hammer does sound like one
oh c’mon people, cut hercules some slack, u hav no CLUE what he went through in the past.
to have your stepmom try and kill you, to hav killed your wife and kid (cuz you were drugged)… and so much more. yet he still battled many monsters for the safety of his people… but i wont lie, his dad zeus is a dick.
:[… I like a women who can kill, not me though. Just asses like hercules because in any relationship I’m always the guy asking for everyone else to die.