Mistaken Identity
(Now imagine he’s gotten this every day for the past 6000 years.)
I’m not sure if I like how this one turned out, but here it is anyway.
You may notice some little buttons at the bottom left of the page (under the tags). I’ve signed up with a few comic listing sites, so if you have a minute, I’d appreciate a vote/rating. Thanks!
Also! I’ve posted another early, lousy Jesus comic up as an incentive for TopWebComics votes! So check that out maybe!?
If Mercury is totally not Hermes, then why Athena claims that Hercules is her half-brother? Hercules is the Roman rendition of Greek Heracles
Honest answer? Because I only meant this comic as a one-off joke.
I went with the Roman spelling of Hercules simply because it’s the more commonly-known name. Beyond this comic I’m probably not going to use Mercury or other “derivative” gods ever again anyway. Just consider it an out-of-continuity gag.
maybe he should slap the mercury logo on all his shirts