Mother of God
This is comic #100. Well.
You may notice some little buttons at the bottom left of the page (under the tags). I’ve signed up with a few comic listing sites, so if you have a minute, please give me a quick vote/rating. Thanks! 😀
Also! Every comic update until I run out, I’m posting an early, lousy Jesus comic of mine up as an incentive for TopWebComics votes! These were done in 2002/2003 as a sort of proto-“Hereafter”, and are a fun/embarrassing look back at this comic’s humble origins. So check that out maybe!?
UPDATE: Just a quick note that due to a busier than expected schedule this week, it doesn’t look like comic #101 will be finished in time for Thursday. Sorry about that – but as much as I hate missing a deadline, I hate putting out something rushed even more.
New comics will resume Monday! Thanks for reading! 😀
so we see God’s mom but… wheres mary?
All in good time. 🙂
Lordon’s mum just walked in 😀 I totally love this comic
if we suppose that they are 1 god consist of 2 person + one bird and we also suppose that God’s mum is Mary, than all 3 of them has the same mother. so she *is* Mary :))
now I’m confused..
Disturbing implications ahoy!
For the sake of the comic (and my sanity) I’m not approaching the “God as a trinity” thing as being totally literal – Lordon might explain it as one more thing muddled in translation. That might not jive with dogma or faith, but hey, whatever. 😉
So Lordon and Jesus do have different mothers. And I’m sure we’ll be seeing both eventually!
So llallogan by that logic, Lordon fathered a child with his mother and that child is Jesus?! Holy mother of god!