on March 1, 2012
at 12:01 am
I’ve signed up with Tumblr, where I’ll be linking all further comic updates as well. Just another way to follow/share the comic if you’re interested!
You may notice some little buttons at the bottom left of the page (under the tags). I’ve signed up with a few comic listing sites, so if you have a minute, please give me a quick vote/rating. Thanks! 😀
Also! Every comic update until I run out, I’m posting an early, lousy Jesus comic of mine up as an incentive for TopWebComics votes! These were done in 2002/2003 as a sort of proto-“Hereafter”, and are a fun/embarrassing look back at this comic’s humble origins. So check that out maybe!?
probably cuz mary m. was a prostitute.
yea don’t go poking that
Except she wasn’t. A prostitute, I mean. It’s a common misconception. See here:
I don’t know why, but I imagine Gran sounding like an older version of Fran Drescher. Keep rocking the long hair, Jesus. 🙂
Perhaps I’ll have to get Mary M. herself to clear up the whole situation. 😉
Haha, I hadn’t thought of that myself, but it kind of works! I’ve got some specific voices in mind for other characters – maybe I should share sometime.