House of Dog
03/15/12: Just a heads-up that there won’t be a new comic today – I have a lot on my plate this week and rather than rushing out something sub-par, I’ve decided to push it back to Monday. Sorry about that, and thanks for your patience!
RIP #1 God Mug. 🙁
I’ve signed up with Tumblr, where I’ll be linking all further comic updates as well. Just another way to follow/share the comic if you’re interested!
You may notice some little buttons at the bottom left of the page (under the tags). I’ve signed up with a few comic listing sites, so if you have a minute, please give me a quick vote/rating. Thanks! 😀
I’ve got an old Jesus sketch from the “archives” up as incentive for TopWebComics votes! So check that out maybe!?
3 Minutes? our last Dog trashed the place in 1/4 the time!LOL Almost cried to see the TV trashed!
Keep up the awesome work! and thanks for the laughter!
Ha! My dog’s not very destructive at all (thankfully), but that full-body launch in the last panel is totally based on him. 😉
Thanks for reading! Glad you’re enjoying it!
;_; I remember my dog… before she was ran over.
That’s just adorable(and awesome) that he’s launching himself like that
>)*w*(< Just wondering where he lands?
It’s not just Dogs either, cats can be pretty destructive too. 😀