Nothing worse than a demon eavesdropper.
ALSO! I’m running a little poll on the Facebook page regarding potential/hypothetical Welcome to Hereafter merchandise. If you’ve got any interest in that sort of thing, please respond and let me know what WTH stuff you might like to see in the future! (No promises one way or another about anything coming of it – just curious and gauging interest.)
Can only think of one thing seeing that:
Heh, Jesus is baing a bit dense here, isn’t he ?
It might be gentler to call him naive.
What can I say, he’s an idealist.
Even so, he was nailed to a cross and died.
That ought to make him apprechiative of how things tend to work out.
Definitely. I think this is more an issue of who he’s being naive about. It’ll be addressed for sure.
Poor Jesus. sounds like he’s about to get a rude awakening.