It Had to Be You
Well, we haven’t seen that in a while. (Though we may be seeing a lot more of it soon enough.)
And now, a bit of a personal announcement. Last night, after dinner for our two-year anniversary, I asked my girlfriend a very important question.

She said yes. 🙂
Oh wow .. and in a police box too.
Cool, congratulations. 🙂
It’s kind of our mutual obsession. 😉
Thanks so much!
That is awesome dude
Thanks a lot! 🙂
Congratulations and extra Geek Points for you! Is that a custom-built item or special order? (Question for both the ring AND the nifty box.)
The ring wasn’t custom, per se – I had it ordered and slightly altered, though.
The TARDIS ring box I ordered from the seller BitsWithByte on Etsy – available here! As you can see, it is SUPER COOL.
any idea on a date yet?
We have an idea, but nothing firm yet. We’re giving ourselves some time to plan everything.
Though hopefully I can get away with a brief comic hiatus once it happens? 😉
Though you might also consider building up a buffer and setting up an auto-post system, for this and future events in your life. There’s something very comforting about seeing a couple dozen strips in the buffer set to post on a regular basis, and knowing that you could go to a conference, go on a honeymoon, or just have an off day, and the comic will still show up. It reduces the correlation between your activities on any given day and whether you feel guilty about not posting a comic. Buffers: truly the best invention in webcomicing.