Jesus in the belly of the beast! This is comic #197 by my count, so we’re officially full speed ahead to #200!
You may notice I’ve updated the site a little bit – namely, a brand new header up top replacing the old eyesore and a bit of cleanup on the sidebars. I’ve got a few more things planned, so hopefully I’ve got time to implement them before too long.
Thanks for checking in! Much more to come!
I like your new header! Very snazzy!
What the heck- when did you make a cast page?!?!
Great usage of the colored test pictures
A little while ago, actually – I just probably didn’t announce it! (Or did I? I can’t even remember!)
That reminds me that I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll add that to “the list”.
The header looks good, but on sadly very common 1366×768 laptop screens, it puts the comic below the fold.
Hmm. I knew the header would be a bit on the tall side, but I was hoping this wouldn’t be an issue. When I have time, I’ll see if there’s a way I can readjust things so it takes up a bit less vertical space (while not making the site look wonky).
Page 228 by my count; I assume you’re skipping filler art?
Exactly – and also counting any split-up-for-updates comics as one instead of two. I’m going by the numbering for pages/updates on the original art in my portfolios… which I believe is accurate, at least?
I love how organic the last panel is. It’s awesome the way the horned demon is just strolling down the elevator all “Whatever” and what not, and the way that the ghost demon is just chilling in a cavalier “Sup, Bra?” stance over the railing. They just really seem to be having a good time, hurting no one in that plaza.
Also, that ant demon is adorable.
Thanks a lot, man!
Now the question is… will the ant demon return!? (Well, yeah, actually.)