Lucifer to the Rescue
on December 12, 2013
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Book 2: Messiah Complex
Location: Abandoned Church of... Something
Lordon and Lucifer: best buds forever!? (No, probably not, I can’t see that happening.)
As a total aside, it is my birthday today and I am now 30. I’m coping with it. It’s a thing. (And a pretty great birthday gift would be hitting one of those cool share buttons below, if you like! 😉 )
OKAY! More comics next week, friends! 😀
Happy birthday!
Thank you very much! 🙂
Happy birthday! And believe me, I’m looking 50 in the eye and getting ready to spit, the big 3-0 isn’t too bad.
In all seriousness, I’m very okay with it. I’m much happier with myself and my life right now than I ever was in my 20s, and definitely plan to continue that trend. 🙂
Thirty anite so bad. Congrats on making it this far.
Thanks! I’m gonna try to make it further, fingers crossed. 😀
Congrats on hitting the big three-oh. With life expectancies as they are now, you’re just leaving your teen years. I have 40+ years on you and I’m still hittin’ them out of the park.
Awesome comic BTW.
Ha! That bodes well. Thanks! 🙂