on January 9, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Book 2: Messiah Complex
Location: Athena and Jesus' Apartment
I got this in before deadline time, with whole minutes to spare! Now I’m gonna go laugh myself to sleep.
Uh. Next one might be a bit lighter/funnier, FYI.
Yeah, I figured Jesus would not be okay with how things ended.
I feel sorry for him too. Okay, he scared Dog, but now s/he’s fine, he caused an epileptic seizure to a taxi-driver, released some daemons in a city full of war deities, but in the end the only thing he managed to destroy was Lordon’s cup. And his postbox.
Now Lordon has a simpler cup and Susej was eaten by a daemon. Hm.
To be fair… it was a really nice mug.
Eh, It’ll probably resurrect just like Jesus did.
Meanwhile, the mug has gone unto other adventures !
Ha! Awesome.
Webcomic Mugs crossover, anyone!? (Which I guess would just be repeated uniform panels of mugs sitting there?)
While the strip (obviously) isn’t meant to be a theologically orthodox Christian description of anything, I have to say that oddly this strip fits very much into some strains of Christian theology, a la The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis, in which grace is offered to absolutely everyone, but it’s only those who refuse it who exclude themselves. I love this series! There should be a crossover with Sinfest someday. (“Christ on Infinite Earths”? Ba-dump-bump!)
Well, we have established a multiverse, so technically anything’s possible!
(Especially in the notion that Jesus would try to save even the Antichrist, if only the latter would let himself be saved. Unlike some of the scary churches’ approach, that’s the kind of Jesus I can get behind and believe in.)
I like that. And agree. And that’s definitely the kind of character I’m going for with “this” Jesus.