Funny enough, I almost called this comic “Over the Edge” before I remembered I already used that title. And they’re weirdly similar! Something about people falling off buildings in this whole storyline.
The curved line is supposed to be the rounded sections of the Christ Inc. building – he was knocked off the side of the roof, landed on that and slid down to the edge.
It’s not very clear in the comic, though. I wanted to re-draw one of those panels from a further POV to make it more clear, but unfortunately I ran out of time.
Okay for me. I’m happy you didn’t kill him
(4th panel’s left-up curvy line is strange)
Well, he *is* a god, and gods are notoriously hard to kill.
I’m happy he didn’t fell on his head and became a god peculiar to draw. He already looks like rooftopcracker-demon at the last panel.
Funny enough, I almost called this comic “Over the Edge” before I remembered I already used that title. And they’re weirdly similar! Something about people falling off buildings in this whole storyline.
The curved line is supposed to be the rounded sections of the Christ Inc. building – he was knocked off the side of the roof, landed on that and slid down to the edge.
It’s not very clear in the comic, though. I wanted to re-draw one of those panels from a further POV to make it more clear, but unfortunately I ran out of time.