Going Up Nov06 by Bry on November 6, 2014 at 12:01 am Chapter: Book 2: Messiah ComplexCharacters: David, Hercules, Hermes, Oshun, Saraswati, Sif, ThorLocation: Christ Inc. Aw yeah, hitting my deadlines!! Whoo! (I shouldn’t brag about that, that’s literally the bare minimum! whooo) Related Comics ¬ Blast from the Past Precautionary Measures Selfless Heroism The Problem Corporate Lavatory Policy
Hitting the deadlines is always a good thing.
… it’s much worse when they are hitting YOU !
It does kind of feel like that sometimes! (But hey, it’s worth it.)
No Smoking – What is this, Hell? 😀
Glad you liked that. 😉