Messiah’s Day Off
on March 21, 2016
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Book 3: Christ Incorporated
Location: Athena and Jesus' Apartment
Still on Monday-only updates! Which is the only reason this comic is sorta well-timed??
Still on Monday-only updates! Which is the only reason this comic is sorta well-timed??
This page gives me the chills… :S
(Everything is just gonna be alright Jesus! Have faith!)
Now I’m curious which part gave you chills!
eye-growing Effie…
I did not noticed the usual hidden awesomeness on this page yet.
Well, glad you caught that. Stay tuned…
“Cought that”? Are you serious? I have nightmares….
Really… I just wanted something to hug. Something Hereafter-related. I did not even dare to finish the light-blue one. Her unborn skin has been lying here for months…
Is it okay if I share this?? As always, I am honoured. Such great work!